Name: Anahata (unstruck)
Colour Green: Abundance, healing, balance, renewal, restores, love, nurturing, growth, restful, soothing.
Element Air: Mind, thought, attitudes, subconscious
Location: Heart, chest, cardiac plexus
Associated Body Parts: Lungs, breasts, circulation system, blood
Purpose: Love and balance
Identity: Social
Orientation: Self-acceptance & acceptance of others
Basic Rights: To love and be loved
Demon: GRIEF
Issues: Love, balance, self-reflection, intimacy, self-acceptance, relationship, compassion, and devotion.
Developmental Stage: 4 to 7 years
Developmental Tasks: Forming peer and family relationships, developing a persona.
Controls: Unconditional love, tolerance, empathy, forgiveness and compassion.
Governs: Life lessons involving love and compassion, self-confidence and self-acceptance, inspiration and hope, generosity and on the flip side feelings of despair, hate, envy, fear, jealousy and anger. Includes connections or ‘heart strings’ to those we love.
Balanced Characteristics: Compassionate, loving, empathetic, self loving, considerate, kind, peaceful, balanced, good immune system.
TRAUMAS AND ABUSES Rejection, abandonment, loss, shaming, constant criticism, abuse to other chakras, unacknowledged grief, divorce, death of a loved one, loveless environment, conditional love, betrayal, sexual or physical abuse.
INHERITED TRAUMAS AND ABUSES Unresolved grief experienced by parents or divorce experienced by parents.
IMBALANCES OF THIS CHAKRA Lack of self discipline, difficulty in relationships, attempts to live vicariously through others and depending on someone else to fulfill your happiness.
DEFICIENCIES OF THIS CHAKRA Antisocial, withdrawn, cold, critical, judgemental, intolerant of self or others, loneliness, isolation, depression, fear of intimacy, fear of relationships, lack of empathy, narcissism.
EXCESSES OF THIS CHAKRA Codependency, poor boundaries, demanding, clinging, jealousy, overly sacrificing.
HEALTH CONDITIONS Disorders of the heart, lungs, thymus, breasts, arms, shortness of breath, sunken chest, circulation problems, asthma, immune system, deficiency, tension between shoulder blades, pain in chest. Tremors, smoking, sleep disorders, shortness of breath, respiratory problem, pneumonia, pain in lower arms/hands, nail biting, lungs, influenza, immunity, hyperventilation, high blood pressure, heart diseases, fatigue, cough, circulation problems, chest congestion, bronchitis, breast cancer, blood circulation, asthma and allergies.
Take time to note or highlight important aspects that relate to you.
Use this synergy blend to help get your Heart Chakra back into balance and keep it in balance.
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