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Safety Guidelines

Aromatherapy can be simple and delightful. To ensure safe use of essential oils, please note the following precautions. Do not use lavender, peppermint, rosemary or sage if you have epileptic seizures or any type of seizure. Essential oils should be used with caution during pregnancy or breast-feeding, and with babies, children and elderly. Do not use on animals. People with allergies or asthma should use with caution. Do not put essential oils around eyes or other orifices. Avoid exposure to sunlight for at least twelve hours when using bergamot, citrus oils, cumin, marigold and lemon due to photosensitizing. Stop using immediately if experiencing skin irritation or allergic reaction. Not to be combined. Does not take place of medical treatment. Consult a health care professional prior to use or experience side effects. 5

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